We’re nearing the half way of March and we are still catching fish on a regular basis. The next 3 weeks are the last of the ‘winter’ chinook season, as we transition into targeting fish off the south end of Bowen Island.
Good places to concentrate on are the Vancouver Harbour and Howe Sound. There have been great amounts of bait inside the harbour so West Vancouver and the freighters have put out fish. We heard of reports of fish being caught off of the Bell Buoy and the mile markers as well. As for Howe Sound, it has been consistently producing have been fish.
As we have said in the past, fishing can and almost always is, hit and miss. The fish are there one day and gone the next. It’s a matter of going and putting some gear in the water. Putting in the time and grinding it out will almost always put out more fish than waiting for the ‘report’ to go and get them.
With “spring” almost upon us the water will get dirtier and dirtier, caused both by algae blooms and freshet. As the water colours, we switch to more glow in our flashers, spoons, and hootchies and we begin to fish bait more often. So make sure you have a variety of options on board so you can adapt and key in on the fish. We just received our spring shipment of bait and are well stocked with herring and anchovies so be sure to stop by before you head out.