It seems as though this week was boat maintenance week. We have one of our boats out of the water and we saw a number of friends and clients in the shop doing early spring-cleaning down on their docks. Whether you have been running all winter chasing feeder chinook or you are dusting off the cobwebs from a winter break the timing is right to get down to the docks and make sure everything is sea worthy and more importantly salmon worthy.
The south end of Bowen fishery is just around the corner and the winter spring fishing is expected to continue to be solid. If there is anything we can do to help, from getting in special parts for your down rigger or replacing old rusty hooks on your spoons, come down the to shop and we can help. Even if you have had something break on your boat let us know. We are not shipwrights but if it is a part on a salmon boat we have probably broken it and likely can connect you with someone who can get it fixed.
Because of our own boat maintenance we didn’t get out as much as we would have liked this week. That said we did sneak in a few trips and hit this beauty up Howe sound on Wednesday.
If you are heading out we have been running spoons in the 3.5-inch size and glow green flashers. Come down to the shop and we can pick out what you need.