Home / Fishing Reports / Vancouver Winter Salmon Fishing Report: Friday, January 17, 2025

Vancouver Winter Salmon Fishing Report: Friday, January 17, 2025


Vancouver Winter Salmon Fishing Report 

It’s mid-January and by all accounts it has been an excellent winter chinook season so far with a few more months to go.  Close to home, the fishing in Vancouver Harbour has finally slowed down to what I would call “normal” levels where you go out and get into a few legal fish.  This is still excellent fishing, but we got spoiled for about 4 weeks there with some truly phenomenal success, where quick limits were expected and achieved.   

The “harbour” is still very much a solid choice.  There have been fish taken this past week from the Mile Markers up to the Bell Buoy, in the middle of the harbour around the freighters, and off the Cap Mouth up to the Pink Apartments.   Jake was taking one of the boats over to Lions Gate Marina on Wednesday, did a quick pass in the freighters, and hooked one and saw lots of bait and chinook arcs.  So, there are still some fish to be had.  With all that bait around I suspect more pulses of chinook will show up in the harbour in February, as usual, and we will continue to see some solid fishing there. 





                                                                         A beautiful hatchery chinook from a recent trip.

We have also spent some time in lower Howe Sound this past week and there are plenty of chinook around there too.  The Gulf Islands have also been producing well.  I suspect the fishing will be good this coming week as the full moon last week made for some big tides and currents.  The fish can also feed at night on those bright nights, so sometimes during a full moon and clear skies, the bite will be slower during the daylight hours.   



A view of the full moon this week.  You can see just how bright it is at night with the clear skies and this can make daytime fishing a little slower.

Prawning has been solid and there a few legal crabs around as well.  If the weather allows or you have the time, it’s definitely worth heading out this week or booking a trip.  

For trip info, call us at 778-788-8582 or visit us online at Vancouver Salmon Fishing 

See you in the shop or on the water, 

Jason Tonelli