Well, it is the last day of August and the fish are on the bite. Pacific Angler head guide Eddie had a good day on the water after a couple of slower days this past week. He was able to get 3 springs to the box in a 5 hr morning charter. Eddie has been doing well off the Bell Buoy using green & glow teaser heads, anchovies, and your standard flashers. If you would like some more info on what we find are the most productive setups please do not hesitate to drop by our store on 78 East Broadway or give us a call at 604-872-2204.
And the fishing is perking up just in time for the first ever Labour Day Chinook Classic. Pacific Angler has been heavily involved in registering anglers. We’ve had a good number of last minute anglers registering yesterday. There are still spots available to enter for the full two day derby for a chance to win $25,000 cash. Just us a call today (604-872-2204) and we’ll get you registered.
In terms of the weather for this weekend the Vancouver forecast is calling for sunny conditions on Friday and Saturday and then cloudy conditions on Sunday. The daily temperature highs are expected to range from 19 to 21 degrees Celsius. The Georgia Straight Marine Forecast is calling for a northwest wind today and then changing to a southeast wind on Saturday and then back to a Northwest wind of Sunday. Winds over the weekend are expected to range from 5 to 20 knots so make sure to be prepared for the conditions.
Remember to keep those lines in the water and we’ll see you out there this weekend.