It looks like the wind and the weather is going to cooperate this weekend if you are thinking of heading out, with winds light to SE and some sun.
If you are going to be fishing off the mouth of the Fraser, there has been a few fish at the North Arm and T-10 but the South Arm is generally a better bet this time of year if the winds allow you to get down there. I just looked at the test sets and there is still some decent amount of chinook being taken at Albion. There are few reds still around but for the most part we are catching white springs destined for the Chilliwack/Vedder or the Harrison. Our most productive depths have been 35-75 on the riggers. These white springs don’t sit around long, they come in and are ready to get up the river, fishing can be hit or miss for them, so the best thing to do is put in sometime and try and intercept that push of fish. Numbers of hatchery coho should also increase this week.
If you want to keep it a little closer to Vancouver, we are seeing a few fish at the mouth of the Cap now. Each flood tide in September will usually bring in a few more fish. The best thing way to catch these fish is with anchovies or herring close to the bottom. Make sure to keep an eye out for commercial traffic and when the freighters are coming or going, please keep west towards the yellow marker to make sure you are out of the shipping lane. This fishery is just getting going, and if we have a dry September it will continue right into the first week or two of October.
See you in the shop or on the water,
Jason Tonelli