Vancouver Saltwater Salmon Fishing Report
Hard to believe it is June and I am writing this report while I am taking a break from working on the fleet. Usually I am doing this in April, not June, but it feels good to be down on the docks and getting boats ready for trips.
If you are thinking of booking a trip, now is a good time. The chinook fishing locally and over in the Gulf Islands has been very good. You can’t keep a chinook right now, but just being on the water and fighting this powerful fish on single action reels and 10-foot 6 medium action rods is a lot of fun. Crabbing is also very good so there is a good chance you will be going home with some Dungeness
I expect the coho fishing to start picking up as well. Usually we see these fish show up off South Bowen right about now and the same goes for the Gulf Islands. These fish are usually pretty shallow, like in the top 60 feet of the water column, so set your rigger depths accordingly. Productive flashers often have more reflective and UV qualities and less glow. Some of our favourites are Betsy, Twisted Sista, Green Onion, Purple Onion, and Metallic Herring Aid. For lure choice, it’s hard to beat a white or UV white hootchy with a shorter leader, about 28 inches. If you want to get setup with this gear, we are fully stocked up at the shop. The limit for coho is 2 hatchery a day, over 30 cm.
Okay back to chinook. Depending on water colour and location, the fish have been 60-150. The fishing continues to be very good both at Thrasher and off Bowen and into Howe Sound. When it comes to lure choice, spoons and bait have been productive. If the spoon has some green and glow you are on the right track. Two Face in green, Irish Cream, Trailhead, etc, have all been productive.
If you are thinking about prawning, the commercial fleet is open so best to keep your pots at the dock now and give them some room and let them do their thing. They have a short season and we get to prawn all year.
As far as fisheries decisions, still nothing…. I would expect we will hear the news, good or bad, next week. Decisions are based on politics these days and we need numbers to play that game. Google the Sport Fishing Institute of BC and the Public Fishery Alliance. Become a member, support by membership, your time, or donate. They can use the help in today’s ultra-complicated world of fighting for your rights to access water and fish.
See you in the shop or on the water,
Jason Tonelli