First off, I want to thank everyone for all the emails and texts I received regarding last weekend’s special report on the 2020 Chinook Measures. Never have we received so many emails and so much positive feedback. So, thank you.
I would also like to report we, and by that I mean you and I, are starting to make a difference. DFO called me and some FN have also reached out to me. They weren’t too happy about what I had to say. I was happy to have a constructive talk with both parties. I explained to them although I respect FN priority access to stocks, I do have a problem with a management regime that closes one user group down when their area specific impact is less than 1% and then allow gill net openings in the Fraser for the very fish that are being protected. I do have a problem with the fact we have not transitioned to mass marking and that we can’t retain abundant hatchery fish in a fishery where stocks of concern are present less than 1% of the time. I do have a problem with closing one group down and re-allocating those stocks to another group, calling it a science-based decision. I do have a problem with these kind of drastic measures coming out in late June without having been discussed at the SFAB level in previous meetings.
So, keep the letters coming, they are having an impact! If you haven’t done so already, read my article from the weekend and send an email to those people listed at the bottom of the article. Make sure you join the Public Fishery Alliance; there are further actions, such as protests in the works, so please join them as we need numbers to participate and to follow on social media.
As far as fishing goes, it should be no surprise that there are lots of chinook around. As per the last few years, the chinook fishing now has been awesome around Vancouver for stocks of non-concern. Hence, our frustration with these closures. We have been over to Thrasher and Entrance and the fishing for chinook has been excellent and you can practice C&R in these waters. This area opens up July 15 for 1 chinook a day between 62-80 cm. We have been doing well on Salty Dawg and chartreuse Herring Aid flashers with green or chartreuse splatter back hootchies, at 140-240 ft. on the riggers.
Locally we have been focusing on coho due to the no fishing for chinook regulations. We have found some coho off South Bowen from Roger Curtis to Cowan. Look for the tide lines and current lines. The fish are generally shallow and productive depths are 25-75 on the riggers. UV flashers like Green Haze and Purple Haze are good and the Betsy is always a good choice. White UV hootchies are usually the top producer on a short leader, 28 inches or so. We have also heard reports of some coho being caught off Point Atkinson. There are plenty of fish in the Cap already, so if you want to stick closer to home, you could try the West Van shoreline or even the Cap Mouth on the flood.
It’s official, crabbing has been good this year and it will go down as a good season. We are dropping traps on all of our trips and have had good results.
So, let’s keep the pressure up on DFO; if we don’t, we won’t see summer chinook fishing in Vancouver ever again. In the meantime, get out there for some coho or head across to the Gulf Islands for some chinook.
See you in the shop, on the water, or at a protest,
Jason Tonelli