Saltwater Report
Eddie Matthei: Well despite having the strongest tides of the year, the Gulf Islands continued to produce. The gear is the same I’ve described on my previous reports. spoons, hoochies and even bait works. Thursday the conditions changed. The first thing I noticed was the lack of good bait concentrations which resulted in very slow fishing. Only a couple of boats in the entire fleet managed just a handful of fish. Maybe whales rolled in but who knows.
- LOW tide at the dock
HIGH tide at the Dock 6 hr between low and high tide!
The cohos are here. With all the rain lately most of them are shooting up the river but soon the rain will decrease and the numbers will increase. Reports further up the island indicate we’re in for a bumper crop. Five fingers for coho’s is probably the best bet. Small 3″ spoons like the green glow and cop car are good bets and hoochies like the Strawberry Sunday are working. The hoochies will start to work soon as we start seeing the crab spawn.
Tight Lines,
We will be sending an updated course list with new courses available next week. Beach courses etc. Stay tuned for those details!
From all of the staff at Pacific Angler we look forward to continue to be “Vancouver’s Store for the Fishing Enthusiast”.
Kind regards,
Jason, Matt, Andre, Dimitri and Bryce