Vancouver Winter Chinook Report & 2024 SRKW Survey
The snow and the cold weather has finally cleared, and for many that means they can now get back out there winter chinook fishing. We also gave the PA guides and boats a rest during the snow and freezing temps, but we are back up and running now!
We had a few trips this week and had great fishing and prawning. I would say overall the Vancouver winter chinook fishing this season has been excellent, one of the best in recent memory, and there is more to come!
February is always a great month for Vancouver winter chinook fishing as there are lots of fish in Howe Sound, the Gulf Islands, and we also start to see more bait show up in Vancouver Harbour. This means the winter chinook also start to spend more time along West Van, the Freighters and the Point Grey area. These spots can be excellent in February and well into March. We are truly lucky to have such great chinook salmon within sight of Vancouver. It truly is Vancouver salmon fishing.
Now that the weather has warmed up, the fish are in, and the prawning is good, it would be a great time to get out winter chinook fishing. We have special Vancouver Winter Chinook Fishing Charter Rates going on right now so click the link to learn more and book your trip!
An important message for all boaters and fishers. Time to do your part and fill out the 2024 Southern Resident Killer Whale Survey. As many of you know there have been a lot of unnecessary and ineffective closures put in place to “protect” SRKW. We are talking about large scale area closures where SRKW might only be in the area for a few hours the entire year. A lot of it is political posturing for votes and there are much more efficient and effective ways to protect SRKW that we are in favour of. We love SRKW as well and want to see them and their ability to forage be protected by measures that actually make a difference, not by things that look good on a map for a press conference.
I know, we are all busy, but I urge you to check out this article from the Public Fishery Alliance and then read the very informative information from the Sport Fish Advisory Board. There is some great info about how to fill out the survey with a link to do so at the bottom of the article. PLEASE do the survey, your ability to go boating and fishing literally depends on it!
Thank you,
Jason Tonelli