Home / Fishing Reports / Vancouver Salmon Fishing Report: November 23, 2018

Vancouver Salmon Fishing Report: November 23, 2018


Vancouver Saltwater Salmon Fishing Report

I hope you got out last weekend as the weather and sea condition were amazing. It was sunny and flat calm for the most part and the fishing was pretty good as well. There were some nice fish taken in Howe Sound, with Saturday being particularly productive, but things slowed down quite a bit on Sunday. Over on the other side of the pond it was productive as well. I fished the Gulf Islands and was into a good number of undersize fish and some decent legal fish as well. I was there the weekend before and had similar action.


A beautiful day in the Gulf Islands chasing winter chinook.

Unfortunately the forecast for this weekend doesn’t look so good with a rainy low-pressure system being in place and SE winds getting up to 40 knots by Sunday. The wind in Howe Sound looks marginally better, if you can get there. If you really want to get out, it might be worth trying in Vancouver Harbour as there are always some winter chinook that show up there in December and you will be somewhat protected from the SE winds. Try the Cap Mouth on the flood and the freighters or Bell on the ebb.


Scott back at the dock holding up a nice chinook taken from Howe Sound this past week.

In terms of gear, the brighter gear seems to be working the best so far. Chartreuse and green flashers have been productive, such as BC, STS, and Chartreuse Phantom flashers. Spoons have been working well for us, on 6-foot leaders. Our productive spoons this past week have been Skinny G, G-Force 3.0, Kingfisher 3.0, and Koho Killers. A variety of colours have been productive but the best producers have had green, chartreuse, and glow on them, as usual. Think Irish Cream, Outfitter, Homeland Security, Green Glow, Yellow Tail, etc.

Crabbing has been lack luster and prawning has been decent, but with the winds this weekend I would avoid setting prawn traps as you might not be able to get back to them for a bit.

See you in the shop or on the water,

Jason Tonelli