A productive day fishing Thrasher this week.
Vancouver Saltwater Salmon Fishing Report
We are in for some SE winds this weekend as the low pressure system sets in so make sure to bring your sweaters, jackets, and even some rain gear as it has been a bit chilly out these past few days.

David and son had a great day out on the water with Captain Eddie.
The fishing has cooled off as well, at least locally. For the most part we have been running over to Entrance or Thrasher, which is pretty standard for this time of year. Once over there we are fishing the structure. There are still some fish offshore but generally in June you want to get on the structure as the fishing offshore slows down. Closer to Thrasher the water has been dirty from the Fraser plume getting pushed over on the SE and fish have been a bit shallower as a result, 100-130 ft. on the riggers, although you can still find some off the bottom on most days. Up towards Nanaimo the water is blue and clear and the fish have been deep, 200-300 ft. on the riggers, yes I said 300. So make sure you have lots of cable and an 18-pound ball. Glow blue flashers and a blue splatter back hootchy have been hot up towards Nanaimo and the regular chartreuse gear, like a glow chartreuse flasher and a chartreuse splatter back hootchy, has been good down at Thrasher.
Getting back to our side of the pond, all is not lost. There are some fish around from Cowan to Roger Curtis and into Tunstal. There was also some excellent fishing offshore of South Bowen from Roger Curtis up to Gower, in 500-600 ft., earlier in the week. It seemed to slow down mid-week though, as some transient orcas came through and scattered the fish. It might pick back up this weekend. The water is fairly dirty so productive depths have been 100-130 ft. Bright gear has been working, so lots of green and chartreuse flashers with glow and the same goes for spoons, teaser heads, and hootchies.

Fish and a photo bomb!
Crabbing has been good and we are setting crab traps on all of our trips.
Regarding the recent closures and orcas…. I have been in some meetings this past week and have some very interesting information and data to share. I just read a recent article in the Globe and Mail “Ottawa Bans Salmon Fishing to Save Whales” which is simply not true. Once you see the science you will see that this decision was very politically motivated. I am not sure how these kind of headlines are allowed, all it does is damage the economy as we are still open for fishing. I am on the water 5 in a row, but I will be presenting a document for all of you to read very soon, so thank your patience. Many of you have called the shop or emailed saying you want to help. Please keep sending us your info, as we will need your help very soon.
See you in the shop or on the water,
Jason Tonelli