Vancouver Salmon Fishing Report
A quick saltwater report for those of you who might be heading out over the holidays. Overall fishing has been great. On our last trip we put 4 nice chinook in the box and got a handful of prawns. If you have some time off this holiday season it’s definitely worth heading out. No boat? No problem, call us at 778-788-8582 to book a trip at our special winter rates.
Some great eating on the table!
On the weather front, you will see the SE is coming in for most of next week and with it the low-pressure system and the rains. Nothing some good raingear and hot coffee can’t handle.
If you are looking to get some winter chinook gear, we have our Boxing Week Sale next week and as always there are some great savings to be had on all your favorite gear. We recently got some of our 2024 booking orders in so the pegs are full of all the top producing spoons, hootchies, and flashers. Grab them now, on sale, while we have stock!
I’ll be in the shop for the sale, so if you want to talk winter chinook fishing, come on down!
See you in the shop or on the water,
Jason Tonelli