Eddie was out today and smacked them pretty good! He was on a 5 hour charter and put 3 coho and 2 springs into the box. They lost some coho and lost a nice spring that was taking some good line on a double header with a coho. He was fishing off W. Van for coho using the typical coho gear, white hootchies, glow/green spoon, and wonderbread spoon. Not to mention he was fishing fast and shallow as usual for these fish. The fact they hooked 3 springs using these tactics shows you there are decent numbers of chinook getting pushed into the harbor on the flood. There were also some chinook hooked off the QB, the freighters, and the Bell Buoy, so they seem to be fairly spread out. All in all there was some good action off W.Van for coho and a few springs and some decent action over at the Bell Buoy for springs. The bite seems to be the best in the morning with the action tapering off around noon.
There were some boats fishing T-10 and Sand Heads and there were some nice chinook from 14-25lbs hooked in these areas using flashers and anchovies. A friend of ours hit a fish there but retreated after the tide became too much to deal with. He ended his day fairly late in the harbor, hoping for some fish to get pushed in on the flood tide. He managed two more springs and a few coho in the last few hours of the day so it might be worth heading out in the evening on the flood tide if you have time.