Well..what can I say..when fishing guides start talking when they’re not on charter, the subject invariably comes around to…F I S H I N G. Fancy that eh? So…with the consistent fishing in the last three weeks and the Salty Dawg unbooked this afternoon, Captain Eddie and myself decided we’d head out for a short fish and make another fishing report! It’s a rare occasion when Guides manage to get together to share a couple of hours on the water and play a fish or few–and winter time is the only time we manage to make it happen. We took full advantage of this opportunity; I picked up Eddie at Ambleside, we ran to “Hot Spot Numero Uno” (the QB Marker in the shipping lanes) and trolled through a few of our favorite “hot spots” in Vancouver harbour. We got started at 1 pm and within an hour…… one of our deep rods pounded over on a nice strike…. Eagle Eye Eddie saw the bite first–he almost took a flying leap in a mad stumble to the rod and drove the hook into this beautiful Vancouver Chinook Salmon!
If you’re coming to town, give Jason Tonelli a call at the store at (604) 872 2204 today to book your Vancouver Salmon Fishing Charter! For you locals, if you recall one of my earlier bloggings I said that fishing was really going to turn on….stay tuned for more…I truly believe the best is yet to come! It’s on! Let’s go fishing!
Guide tip of the week: Sharp hooks are absolutely imperative for a good hook up. Think of it this way, you’re spending time and money to get on the water for your fishing trip. The important connection between you and the fish are your hooks! Our guides use a variety of hooks and a hook file is always present on board to keep hooks “sticky sharp”. One of favorites has to be the VMC Permasteel–they are durable and sharpen up wonderfully! A hook file is probably the single most important investment you can make in your catching success—and it’s among the cheapest pieces of equipment you will ever buy.
Until next time… “Sharp hooks and Tight Lines! “–Captain Andrew