Home / Fishing Reports / Vancouver Saltwater Salmon & Bottom Fishing Report for late June 2024

Vancouver Saltwater Salmon & Bottom Fishing Report for late June 2024


The coho are here!  Last year the big wave of coho showed up June 16 and this year they showed up in full force on June 18.  These past few days we went from seeing a few coho each trip to getting into some double-digit days as the week progressed.  There seems to be a good mix of hatchery and wild coho out there and of course there are still quite a few chinook around.  A reminder chinook are closed to fishing, so a boatside release is best practice.


We had some great family fishing this week! Coho fishing is perfect for the kids, shallow fish and lots of action!

For locations we have had good success from Cowan to Roger Curtis and also out on the Hump.  Best depths have been shallow, anywhere from 15 feet down to 45 feet.  If those depths slow down later in the day, try dropping it down to 65 feet.  Top producing flashers have been Gibbs Twisted Sista, Purple Onion, Green Onion, Purple Haze, Green Haze and the Oki Betsy.  White UV hootchies with mylar inserts and a 28-inch leader have been very good.  Smaller spoons like the Coho Killer have also been good in nickel and silver finishes like the silver Herring Aid.

With the fish being so shallow, especially early in the morning, you can catch them on bucktails on your mooching rod or fly rod.  We have an excellent selection of bucktails in stock right now.


Try tolling these bucktails in the prop wash for some exciting, visual takes!


On our longer trips we have crossed over to fish Gabriola and the coho fishing has been excellent.  The bottom fishing has also been very good.  As you can see from the picture below, we have had some phenomenal success!


PA Guide Josh Lo and his guests had a fantastic day at Gabriola Island this week. The coho fishing and bottom fishing was world class! 

To book your trip give us a call at 778.788.8582

Jason Tonelli


Vancouver Beach Fishing
The beach fishery is starting to take shape!

We just hit the official start of summer. For the beach angler this means low water in the rivers, and salmon on the beaches and river estuaries. Beach anglers can look to target schooling fish heading to natal rivers and foraging resident fish. The latter cohort is something we have not seen in Howe Sound in the last few years. Last season it was reported that instead of leaving coastal waters a large group of coho had enough food and favorable conditions to overwinter and stay resident. We are hoping for a similar scenario this season. The increase in fish can also present some new angling opportunities around Vancouver.

Gear: Generalist spinning and fly gear will work for beach fishing, but because the encounters are so few, quality gear can give the edge in challenging conditions. I prefer to fly fish but will often be found with a spinning rod as well. The spinning rod is a great tool to have when scouting new water or you see fish just out of fly casting range. Gear anglers will benefit from longer spinning rods in the 7.5-9ft range. And saltwater sealed reels in the 2500-4000 size. If you plan to frequent the beach invest in a good reel… something  that will hold up to the salt. Spin up your reel with thin diameter 30lb braided line and your good to go. The usual coho tackle of weighted casting spinners, spoons, and buzz bombs should be included in the tackle box. I have a soft spot for various metallic finishes with a shot of fluorescent colour… usually flouro red.

Fly anglers will appreciate a faster action rod to punch casts in the wind. You will also see many anglers opting to use the short shooting style lines for fast loading casts. If you’re a novice caster this can really help. Floating lines with long fluorocarbon leaders will work in a pinch but many dedicated beach anglers going to a clear intermediate tips or full clear lines. This lets your line hover just under the chop of the water and maintain a direct connection to the fly. It also helps keep floating debris from fowling your line. A stripping basket is also important to keep your line free of the sharp rocks and shells. I have mentioned it before, but bonefish leaders are great coho leaders! Flies for Coho can vary from region to region. We see beach flies from the East coast of Vancouver Island imitate baitfish and Capilano flies represent tiny euphausiids and crab larva. Some consistent stand by patterns would be a selection of Clouser’s, flash flies, and muddler minnows in a variety of weights and colours. I tend to keep my flies on the small side but tied on superior quality hooks.

Locations:  Beach fishing usually center around the Capilano… BUT … With the possibility of more fish actively hunting food on the coast, I would not be surprised if we see fish showing up in unexpected places. Areas along North and West Vancouver, The Gulf Islands, White Rock, and Tsawwassen may see some increase in Coho action. If you have a cabin somewhere on the coast, or if you’re hopping on a ferry to go camping, it might be worth it to pack a rod with you. Small boaters can even get in on the action with fish so close to shore. I prefer fishing the falling tide, low slack, and some of the incoming tide. Clouds, light rain and the cover of the early a.m. an advantage to the beach angler. This is a notoriously tricky fishery that requires persistence to be successful. It should only get better as the weeks progress so do your scouting now and get ready for a terrific season.


Eric Peake