The good fishing continued this past week with reports of fish in Vancouver Harbour, Howe Sound and the Gulf Islands. The hard part is choosing where to go and having luck on your side. There were some days this week where the fishing was nothing short of fantastic with limits of feeder chinook to be had. The next morning in the same spot you were lucky to get some undersize fish. Such is winter chinook fishing, the fish are here one day and gone the next, but overall it has been consistent and definitely worth heading out.
The Oki’ Tackle Green Onion Glow and Purple Onion Glow continue to be some of the top producing flashers but sometimes when we have been fishing on the bottom in 180-240 feet of water a double glow flasher has been good. We have these custom made for us by Oki’ and we have stock right now. On the business end we have been using the usual productive spoons that have some green and glow on them like the Pesca 3.5 Gut Bomb, Leprechaun and Bogart and the Kingfisher 3.5 Homeland Security, Irish Cream, and Glow Green.
There are some big fish starting to be caught as well. Most of the fish are still in 8-12 lb range but there have been some fish in the 15-20 lb range as well. We still have a couple more months of this fishery to enjoy and some of the best days are yet to come. With the warm weather and excellent fishing, this is a great time to book a charter. If you would like to get out on your own boat and need a point in the right direction and some of the top producing lures, give us a call at Pacific Angler at 604-872-2204 or come by the shop. If you would like to book a charter please give us a call on our charter line at 778-788-8582.