Vancouver Saltwater fishing Report
We heard of some good reports this week from up Howe sound and near the bell in the harbor. One report was interesting with guys fishing large 4 inch Pesca spoons in the gut bomb and cluopia. This is interesting because most anglers focus on smaller spoons this time of year in the 2.5-3.0 inch size but the guys managed a good number of legal fish and the herring in their bellies were larger. Seals still posed an issue in the harbour but we also saw some good keepers caught off the bell this week.
It looks like there will be some wind in the forecast this weekend so check your weather reports before heading out. The tides look good in the morning for the entire weekend.
For those of you who haven’t got your boats ready for the season yet this is a great time to get ahead of the rush. The fishing off Bowen picks up mid April. We recommend getting your gear set up, and riggers working in tip top order now and then test them on some winter Chinook. This way you can oil out any kinks in the system before the season really gets going. Come down to the shop or give us a call if you need any help!
Good Luck out on the Water and call in any hot reports!
If you would like to get out on the water this week, give us a call at 778-788-8582.
Or for any questions on the report call Pacific Angler at 604-872-2204.