The weather has been a little tricky lately with some strong NW and now SE winds keeping anglers off the “Hump” out by S. Bowen for most of the week. When we have been able to get out there, the fish have been around, but it has been spotty. Many boats are not getting fish, only to have another boat get on a pod and hook one or two. This is typical of the fishery for this time of year- you have to get on the school! Though fishing was better this time last year, we do expect it to pick up considerably this week on the days you can get out there, that is. SE winds of 15-25 knots and rain are going to be here for the weekend, so it might be a little rough and wet out on the Hump. If you can make it out there, the fish this week have been getting caught from 90-150 feet with 135 seeming to be about the most productive depth. Glow flashers and glow spoons like the Pesca RSG “It’s Not” and “Bogart” are working well, and of course, anchovies in a glow or glow-green teaser head.
We have heard of a few fish over at Thrasher and Nanaimo, but just like the Hump, you have to have luck on your side and get on a school. One angler got skunked on Saturday and then nailed them pretty good on Sunday at the same spot, same depths, and same lures. Since these are moving fish, they are literally here one day and gone the next. This means you should not necessarily wait for a hot report- you need to get out there and cover some water and find the fish. The “other side”, aka Nanaimo and Thrasher, will definitely pick up as we get closer to May so it is a little early to be running over there. You are likely going to find as good or even better fishing at the Hump this time of year.
To book a trip for chinook and loads of fresh dungeness crab give us a call on our charter phone778-788-8582