The weather pattern seems to have changed from cold and dry conditions to our typical mild and wet conditions that we Vancouverites experience on the coast. You can expect to see this trend as we move further away from winter and closer to the spring. Yes I said it spring!
The Vancouver weather forecast is calling for sun and cloudy conditions on Saturday with a high of 8 degrees Celsius and a low of 3 degrees Celsius. For Sunday you can expect light rain (10 to 15mm throughout the day) with a high of 8 degrees Celsius and a low of 5 degrees Celsius. Over the past week the daily temperatures have been quite mild. The forecast looking into next week is calling for considerably more rain on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. You can be sure that this will affect the river levels throughout the Lower Mainland and Sea-to-Sky Corridor.
For the local Vancouver saltwater angler the marine forecast for the Straight of Georgia is looking favourable once again. For Saturday you can expect southeastern winds ranging from 10 to 20 knots and on Sunday you can expect 15 knot southeastern winds.
The local Vancouver salmon fishery has been really hit and miss this past week. At this time of year you never really know when the fishing is going pick up so your best bet is to catch the best tide and get out on the water. It is really more true at this time of year than ever to be a report maker and not a report follower. By the time you hear the report and get out on the water the fish have usually moved elsewhere.
Locally the Vancouver Harbour is a good bet for the large winter springs and amongst the freighters as well. Eddie has been doing well with his favourite spoons (Kitchen Sink, Cop Car, etc.) and running at least one rod without a flasher. He actually noted that his rig without a flasher always seems to get a couple of hits even when it is slow.
This is the time of year to get out there and drop those prawn traps. Preston, Captain of the Seastar, was reminiscing previous winters when him and Jason Tonelli came back with a bucket full of spotted prawns.
Crabbing has also been picking up. Last Sunday Eddie picked up great catch of some of the biggest dungeness crabs he has seen in a long time.
Jason and Eddie will be out today and this weekend. We will updating the Pacific Angler Facebook Page with the latest report. Hopefully, it is filled with pictures of chrome winter chinook salmon.
If you want to get out with a group of friends, family or co-workers make sure to give Dave Fauquier, Pacific Anglers booking manager, a call at the shop (604-872-2204). We would be more than happy to get you out there on the perfect tide!
On behalf of the Pacific Angler staff we wish you the best in your fishing endeavours and we hope to see you either at the shop or on the water.
Happy Fishing,
Jason, Matt, Andre, Dimitri, Dave, Ron and Eddie