Local Saltwater
With last week’s rain we had a few days of slow fishing off West Van and I was concerned that we’d “lost” our coho up the river. However, the fresh water seems to have drawn in even more fish. Not only have I had some pretty decent fishing but these newer coho are on average bigger. I’m not finding as much crab larvae in them but they are feeding on 4-5″ herring. I still hit some on white hoochies but I’m getting most of the fish on anchovies, particularly on the clear chartreuse heads but white glow, bloody nose and chrome green and blue also do the trick. Spoons are also a good bet if you run out of bait. Cop Cars, Irish Cream, and Kitchen Sinks would be good bets. Green onion and chartreuse double glows have been a good flashers but I’ve found that running through my selection of flashers finds the ones they like on any given day.
West Vancouver chinook means smiles all around!
We are also still getting the odd chinook but it’ll be a little while still before that fishery really kicks in. Typically from all the boats on the water one or two are lucky each day and hook chinook. This number will progressively increase until the run arrives. I was pretty lucky last week and hooked three chinooks three days in a row! The third fish was a hard fighting 20lb chrome red Fraser River chinook. It took an anchovy at 37′ off the Capilano just as the tide started ebbing. Some anglers are also hooking chinooks at Point Atkinson, Fisheries and Hole in the wall. I had an extended trip and fished Hole in the wall last week and got one in the mid teens but it was slow that day. In typical fashion for that area I heard of a pretty good bite with multiple fish hooked the very next day.
A local chinook salmon about to be released to fight another day
A few guys are prospecting the Bell Buoy and further down to T10 but I haven’t heard of any significant reports yet. I did hear that the Orcas were there on Sunday evening which explains the lack of reports but it does indicate that there are fish around. The tides are getting better, the weather is fantastic and there are fish out there, life is good!
Tight Lines,
Jason, Eddie, Dimitri, Michael
With the announcement of the tidal sockeye salmon opening, our phones have been ringing off the hook! If you want to get out and experience this incredible fishery, make sure you call us at 778-788-8582 to book a prime time date.